Friday, April 26, 2013

Timely Causes and Special Events

If you search online, you will find that many days, weeks, and months are dedicated to special causes. If you care deeply about a particular cause, or belong to an organization working for a good purpose, take advantage of highlighted times on the calendar. You can further your cause by organizing events at heightened times of public awareness to raise money, organize fun activities, and further educational opportunities.

May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month. This is a subject that matters very much to all of us at ezEvent™ for numerous reasons. Please take some time to become involved or learn more to empower everyone affected by brain tumors at We invite you to participate in support of this cause in any way you are able. Whether you volunteer time, money, energy, or all three, please organize and participate in events designed to raise awareness during the month of May and throughout the year.

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