Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What to Do on Thanksgiving (Besides the Obvious)

Thanksgiving is less than a month away so it's time to start preparing! Many families will gather to enjoy a delicious meal, but how do you keep everyone entertained before or after they eat? Here are some ideas for Thanksgiving events that you can attend or organize that will please almost everyone, and perhaps even burn off a few of those extra holiday calories!

Thanksgiving Races
Many towns around the country host a "turkey trot" or other race the morning of Thanksgiving. These events typically host a separate walk along the same course so that everyone in the family can participate. Many people run these events in costume, so even if you aren't up for participating it's still fun to go and watch. Event perk: By the time you're done with the race you'll be extra hungry, and with all of the calories burned you won't feel guilty about the second (or third) piece of pie!

Watching he Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is a tradition for many. If you're in the New York area, you can attend the parade in person for a whole new experience. If you're not close to New York, many other states host parades with big balloons, marching bands, and extravagant floats that are a delight for all ages. Event perk: After being out in the cold weather at the parade, you'll be ready to warm up with some hot turkey!

Craft Fairs
Thanksgiving weekend marks the official start of the holiday shopping season, and many people take advantage of that by hosting or attending craft fairs. These fairs have everything from holiday ornaments, beautiful home decorations, and even foods that would make great gifts. Event perk: Since your family is in town, you can take them to an event and have them pick out something they like so you know you're getting them a gift that they want!

Farmers Markets
Farming was a major part of life for the pilgrims, so attending a Farmers Market and buying locally grown crops is a great way to celebrate the harvest the traditional way! Rather than buying your menu items at a grocery store, you can pick up seasonal produce, as well as meats, eggs, cheeses, desserts, flowers, and more for a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration that you can feel good about! Event perk: Not only are you picking up delicious, fresh food to serve at your dinner, but you're supporting local farmers.

Charity Events
Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful for what you have, and a great way to do that is to give back to those who are more in need than you. Many soup kitchens prepare Thanksgiving meals for those who don't have anywhere to go on Thanksgiving, and they're always looking for volunteers. Residents at nursing homes and hospitals would be happy to have company and someone to talk to on a day that's all about time with family and friends. Many towns host fundraising events on Thanksgiving that you can offer to help run or donate to. Event perk: Making Thanksgiving a good day for others through volunteering can create a very meaningful Thanksgiving day for you and other members of your family.

What are you planning to do for Thanksgiving?

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